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What You Need to Know About DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar: A Complete Guide for Music Production

DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar: A Complete Guide for Music Production

If you are looking for a collection of high-quality, versatile, and innovative audio plugins for your music production or audio engineering needs, you should definitely check out DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar. This bundle contains eight professional-grade plugins that cover all aspects of EQ, compression, dynamics, stereo imaging, de-essing, gating, and limiting. Whether you are working on mixing, mastering, post-production, or sound design, you will find something useful and inspiring in this bundle.

DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar


In this article, we will show you how to download and install DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar, what are the plugins included in the bundle and what do they do, and how to use them in your DAW and mix/master your music. We will also share some tips and tricks for getting the best results from each plugin, as well as some examples of how to apply them to different genres and styles of music. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of why DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar is a great choice for music producers and audio engineers who want to take their sound to the next level.

How to download and install DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar?

Downloading and installing DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar is very easy and straightforward. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Go to DMG Audio's website and click on "Buy Now" or "Demo" depending on whether you want to purchase the bundle or try it for free.

  • Choose your preferred payment method and complete the checkout process. You will receive an email with your license key and download link.

  • Download the DMG Audio Installer from the link provided in the email. The installer is a single file that contains all the plugins in the bundle.

  • Run the installer and follow the instructions on the screen. You will be asked to enter your license key and choose your installation folder.

  • The installer will automatically detect your DAWs and install the plugins in the appropriate formats (VST, VST3, AU, AAX).

  • Restart your DAWs and scan for new plugins. You should see all the DMG Audio plugins in your plugin list.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar. Now let's take a look at what are the plugins included in the bundle and what do they do What are the plugins included in the bundle and what do they do?

DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar contains eight plugins that cover all aspects of EQ, compression, dynamics, stereo imaging, de-essing, gating, and limiting. Each plugin has a unique and intuitive interface that allows you to customize and tweak every parameter to your liking. You can also save and recall presets, compare different settings, and use the built-in analyzer and metering tools to monitor your signal. Here is a brief overview of each plugin and what it does:

EQuilibrium: a custom-designed power tool for EQ

EQuilibrium is a flexible and powerful EQ plugin that lets you shape your sound with precision and ease. You can choose from over 40 filter types, including analog, digital, linear phase, minimum phase, FIR, and more. You can also adjust the slope, Q, gain, frequency, and shape of each band. You can create up to 32 bands per channel, and use the drag-and-drop interface to arrange them in any order. You can also use the solo, bypass, link, copy, paste, and invert functions to manipulate your bands. EQuilibrium also has a comprehensive modulation system that allows you to modulate any parameter with LFOs, envelopes, MIDI, or sidechain inputs. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. EQuilibrium is a versatile EQ plugin that can handle any EQ task you throw at it.

Limitless: the ultimate mastering limiter

Limitless is a state-of-the-art limiter plugin that delivers transparent and loud results without compromising your dynamics or tone. Limitless uses a dual-stage limiting algorithm that combines a smooth lookahead clipper with a multi-band peak limiter. This allows you to control the transients and the body of your signal separately, and achieve a balanced and natural sounding loudness. Limitless also has a smart release system that adapts to the input signal and avoids pumping or distortion. You can also use the style, color, enhance, and stereo options to fine-tune your sound and add some character or width. Limitless is a must-have plugin for mastering engineers who want to achieve loudness without sacrificing quality.

Multiplicity: a multiband dynamics processor

Multiplicity is a multiband dynamics processor that gives you complete control over your signal's frequency spectrum. You can use Multiplicity to compress, expand, gate, limit, saturate, or blend up to eight bands of your signal. You can also adjust the crossover points, slope, gain, threshold, ratio, attack, release, knee, lookahead, feedback, and mix of each band. Multiplicity also has a comprehensive modulation system that allows you to modulate any parameter with LFOs, envelopes, MIDI, or sidechain inputs. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. Multiplicity is a powerful plugin that can handle any multiband dynamics task you need.

Essence: the world's most powerful de-esser

Essence is a de-esser plugin that removes unwanted sibilance from your vocal tracks with ease and accuracy. Essence uses a sophisticated detection algorithm that identifies the sibilant frequencies in your signal and applies a gentle reduction to them. You can also adjust the threshold, range, attack, release, listen mode, split mode, tilt mode and sidechain mode to fine-tune your de-essing process. Essence also has a comprehensive metering system that shows you the input, output, reduction, and spectrum of your signal. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. Essence is a simple yet effective plugin that can remove sibilance from any vocal track.

Expurgate: a genre-advancing gate/expander plugin

Expurgate is a gate/expander plugin that removes unwanted noise and silence from your audio tracks with precision and flexibility. Expurgate uses a dual-detection algorithm that combines a transient detector with a level detector. This allows you to control the attack and release of your gate/expander separately, and achieve a smooth and natural sounding result. Expurgate also has a comprehensive modulation system that allows you to modulate any parameter with LFOs, envelopes, MIDI, or sidechain inputs. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. Expurgate is a versatile plugin that can handle any gate/expander task you need.

Dualism: a complete toolkit for stereo channels

Dualism is a stereo imaging plugin that gives you complete control over your stereo field. You can use Dualism to adjust the width, balance, phase, correlation, mid/side, and mono/stereo of your signal. You can also use the vector scope, goniometer, correlation meter, and phase meter to monitor your stereo image. Dualism also has a comprehensive metering system that shows you the input, output, gain reduction, and spectrum of your signal. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. Dualism is a must-have plugin for anyone who works with stereo channels.

TrackComp 2: a versatile mix compressor with digital and analog models

TrackComp 2 is a mix compressor plugin that offers you a choice of nine different compression models, ranging from digital to analog, clean to dirty, transparent to colored. You can use TrackComp 2 to compress any type of audio track, from drums to vocals, guitars to synths, bass to piano. You can also adjust the threshold, ratio, attack, release, knee, makeup gain, dry/wet mix, and sidechain filter of each model. TrackComp 2 also has a comprehensive metering system that shows you the input, output, gain reduction, and transfer curve of your signal. You can also use the oversampling, dithering , noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. TrackComp 2 is a versatile plugin that can handle any compression task you need.

TrackControl: a free plugin for basic channel control

TrackControl is a free plugin that gives you basic channel control functions, such as mute, solo, phase invert, pan, width, trim, and monitor. You can use TrackControl to quickly and easily adjust your channel settings without opening multiple plugins or menus. TrackControl also has a comprehensive metering system that shows you the input, output, peak, RMS, and LUFS of your signal. You can also use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options to optimize your sound quality. TrackControl is a handy plugin that can save you time and hassle when working with audio channels.

How to use the plugins in your DAW and mix/master your music?

Now that you know what are the plugins included in DMG Audio Plugin Bundle WiN MacOSX.rar and what do they do, you might be wondering how to use them in your DAW and mix/master your music. Here are some general tips and tricks for getting the best results from each plugin, as well as some examples of how to apply them to different genres and styles of music.

Tips and tricks for using DMG Audio plugins

  • Read the user manuals for each plugin to learn more about their features and functions. You can access the user manuals from the plugin's interface by clicking on the "?" button.

  • Use the presets for each plugin to get started quickly and easily. You can access the presets from the plugin's interface by clicking on the "P" button. You can also save and load your own presets, as well as import and export them.

  • Use the A/B/C/D buttons for each plugin to compare different settings and find the best one for your signal. You can also use the "Copy" and "Paste" buttons to copy settings from one slot to another.

  • Use the analyzer and metering tools for each plugin to monitor your signal's frequency spectrum, dynamics, stereo image, phase, correlation, loudness, and more. You can also adjust the resolution, range, scale, speed, and color of the analyzer and metering tools.

  • Use the modulation system for each plugin to add movement and variation to your signal's parameters. You can modulate any parameter with LFOs, envelopes, MIDI, or sidechain inputs. You can also adjust the rate, shape, depth, phase , offset, and sync of the modulation sources.

  • Use the oversampling, dithering, noise shaping, and auto-gain options for each plugin to optimize your sound quality and avoid clipping or aliasing. You can access these options from the plugin's interface by clicking on the "O" button.

  • Use the "Help" button for each plugin to access the online help system, where you can find answers to common questions, troubleshooting tips, and contact information for DMG Audio.

Examples of using DMG Audio plugins for different genres and styles of music

Here are some examples of how you can use DMG Audio plugins for different genres and styles of music. These are not definitive or exhaustive, but rather suggestions and guidelines that you can adapt and modify to suit your own preferences and needs.


If you are working on a rock song, you might want to use the following plugins and settings:

  • EQuilibrium: Use EQuilibrium to shape the tone and balance of your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use a high-pass filter to remove the low-end rumble from your guitars, a low-shelf filter to boost the bass, a parametric filter to cut the mud from your drums, a high-shelf filter to add some air to your vocals, and a notch filter to remove any resonances or feedbacks.

  • TrackComp 2: Use TrackComp 2 to compress your instruments and vocals and add some punch and glue to your mix. For example, you can use the 76D model to compress your drums with a fast attack and release, a high ratio, and a moderate threshold. You can also use the 2A model to compress your vocals with a slow attack and release, a low ratio, and a high threshold. You can also use the Mix model to compress your mix bus with a gentle attack and release, a low ratio, and a low threshold.

  • Multiplicity: Use Multiplicity to control the dynamics of your instruments and vocals in different frequency bands. For example, you can use Multiplicity to expand the low-end of your bass with a high range, a low threshold, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Multiplicity to compress the high-end of your guitars with a low range, a high threshold, and a slow attack and release. You can also use Multiplicity to gate the mid-range of your drums with a negative range , a low threshold, and a fast attack and release.

  • Essence: Use Essence to remove any sibilance or harshness from your vocals and guitars. For example, you can use Essence to reduce the sibilant frequencies in your vocals with a low threshold, a high range, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Essence to reduce the harsh frequencies in your guitars with a high threshold, a low range, and a slow attack and release.

  • Limitless: Use Limitless to limit your mix and achieve a loud and clear sound without clipping or distorting. For example, you can use Limitless to limit your mix with a low threshold, a high ceiling, and a moderate style. You can also use Limitless to add some color and enhance to your mix with a low color, a high enhance, and a moderate stereo.

  • Dualism: Use Dualism to adjust the stereo image and phase of your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use Dualism to widen the stereo image of your guitars with a high width, a low balance, and a positive phase. You can also use Dualism to narrow the stereo image of your bass with a low width, a high balance, and a negative phase.

  • Expurgate: Use Expurgate to remove any unwanted noise or silence from your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use Expurgate to remove the noise from your guitars with a high threshold, a low range, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Expurgate to remove the silence from your vocals with a low threshold, a high range, and a slow attack and release.

  • TrackControl: Use TrackControl to perform basic channel control functions on your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use TrackControl to mute or solo your channels, invert the phase of your channels, pan your channels left or right, adjust the width of your channels, trim the gain of your channels, or monitor the mid/side or mono/stereo of your channels.


If you are working on a pop song, you might want to use the following plugins and settings:

  • EQuilibrium: Use EQuilibrium to shape the tone and balance of your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use a high-pass filter to remove the low-end rumble from your synths, a low-shelf filter to boost the bass, a parametric filter to cut the mud from your drums, a high-shelf filter to add some air to your vocals, and a notch filter to remove any resonances or feedbacks.

  • TrackComp 2: Use TrackComp 2 to compress your instruments and vocals and add some punch and glue to your mix. For example, you can use the SSL model to compress your drums with a fast attack and release , a high ratio, and a moderate threshold. You can also use the 2A model to compress your vocals with a slow attack and release, a low ratio, and a high threshold. You can also use the Digital model to compress your synths with a gentle attack and release, a low ratio, and a low threshold.

  • Multiplicity: Use Multiplicity to control the dynamics of your instruments and vocals in different frequency bands. For example, you can use Multiplicity to compress the low-end of your bass with a low range, a high threshold, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Multiplicity to expand the high-end of your synths with a high range, a low threshold, and a slow attack and release. You can also use Multiplicity to saturate the mid-range of your vocals with a positive range, a low threshold, and a fast attack and release.

  • Essence: Use Essence to remove any sibilance or harshness from your vocals and synths. For example, you can use Essence to reduce the sibilant frequencies in your vocals with a low threshold, a high range, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Essence to reduce the harsh frequencies in your synths with a high threshold, a low range, and a slow attack and release.

  • Limitless: Use Limitless to limit your mix and achieve a loud and clear sound without clipping or distorting. For example, you can use Limitless to limit your mix with a low threshold, a high ceiling, and a moderate style. You can also use Limitless to add some color and enhance to your mix with a high color, a high enhance, and a moderate stereo.

  • Dualism: Use Dualism to adjust the stereo image and phase of your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use Dualism to widen the stereo image of your synths with a high width, a low balance, and a positive phase. You can also use Dualism to narrow the stereo image of your bass with a low width, a high balance, and a negative phase.

  • Expurgate: Use Expurgate to remove any unwanted noise or silence from your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use Expurgate to remove the noise from your synths with a high threshold, a low range, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Expurgate to remove the silence from your vocals with a low threshold, a high range, and a slow attack and release.

  • TrackControl: Use TrackControl to perform basic channel control functions on your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use TrackControl to mute or solo your channels, invert the phase of your channels , pan your channels left or right, adjust the width of your channels, trim the gain of your channels, or monitor the mid/side or mono/stereo of your channels.


If you are working on a hip-hop song, you might want to use the following plugins and settings:

  • EQuilibrium: Use EQuilibrium to shape the tone and balance of your instruments and vocals. For example, you can use a high-pass filter to remove the low-end rumble from your samples, a low-shelf filter to boost the bass, a parametric filter to cut the mud from your drums, a high-shelf filter to add some air to your vocals, and a notch filter to remove any resonances or feedbacks.

  • TrackComp 2: Use TrackComp 2 to compress your instruments and vocals and add some punch and glue to your mix. For example, you can use the 76A model to compress your drums with a fast attack and release, a high ratio, and a moderate threshold. You can also use the 3A model to compress your vocals with a slow attack and release, a low ratio, and a high threshold. You can also use the Digital model to compress your samples with a gentle attack and release, a low ratio, and a low threshold.

Multiplicity: Use Multiplicity to control the dynamics of your instruments and vocals in different frequency bands. For example, you can use Multiplicity to compress the low-end of your bass with a low range, a high threshold, and a fast attack and release. You can also use Multiplicity to expand the h


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